Thursday, August 13, 2009

Animal Photos: Blue Butterflies, Rhino Models, and Squirrels Gone Wild

Despite there being larger points of cultural interest nearby, I am always drawn to zoos in the countries I visit. During a recent trip to Vienna and Frankfurt, I visited two zoos. In most circumstances, these animals offer beautiful photo opportunities (short of these animals hiding in the tree or behind large, bushy plants). Yet the true travel photographer is always armed with his or her camera, ready to snap a picture at a moment's notice of an animal in the wild. I spotted this beautiful, blue butterfly on a mountain in Slovakia, not too far from Bratislava. I'll write more about the castle on this mountain and how to get there in a future post.

Here's another one of my favorites, but this one is from the zoo in Frankfurt, Germany. I've never seen a rhino look so in need of a modeling contract.

So when I saw the story and picture below, I couldn't help myself. On holiday, their photo was invaded by a curious ground squirrel. See the photo and the story here - for animal lovers, this is not to be missed:
Banff Squirrel Invades Photo

May a ground squirrel find a way into your travel photos too!

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